Friday 25 December 2015

Good Morning, Pulau Weh, Banda Acheh.

Panjang nau tajuk.

This is an itinerary(kot) for a day trip to Pulau Weh or Sabang, Banda Acheh as per requested by Yang Di-Pertua Rawang Puan Besar Chot.

We went to Banda Acheh Indonesia for Khamil's wedding. Travelled with Air Asia. 1 hour and half flight. Macam biasa sebab murah. Tiket dalam RM500 kot 2 orang pergi balik. 

Waktu Banda Acheh lewat sejam dari Malaysia. Waktu solat pun. Maghrib start dalam pukul 6.30 petang macam tu, macam Thailand gak la.

We were hungry that day. p

Decided to go to Sabang on the next day for a day trip, couldnt stay overnight because our return flight was scheduled  the next day morning.

1. How to go to Pulau Weh. Bagaimana cara ke Pulau Weh. Gi mana mahu ke Sabang. Or apa-apa lah.

Pergi jetty. Atau Ulee Lheu Port. It is called port, but it looks like a jetty pit-stop. There are 2 kinds of transportation to Balohan Port (that is the port in Pulau Weh). the fast jetty and the slow jetty.

Fast jetty would cost IDR 85,000 - 105K (RM26 ke RM 35 kot) one way. And slow would cost IDR 26k (RM8.00).

From Ulee Lheu Port (Banda Aceh) to Balohan Port (Weh Island)
Type of Ferry: Fast Ferry
Daily: 09.30
Daily: 15.30 (Fri: 16.30)

Type of Ferry: Car Ferry ( Slow Ferry)
Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri: 14.00
Wed, Sat, Sun : 11.00 and 16.00

From Balohan Port (Weh Island) to Ulee Lheu Port (Banda Aceh)
Type of Ferry: Fast Ferry
Daily: 08.00
Daily: 15.30

Type of Ferry: Car Ferry
Daily: 08.00
Wed, Sat, Sun: 14.00 

Kitorang pergi naik fast ferry. Balik naik slow, sebab dah terlepas yang fast.

Kalau korang ada choice, naiklah fast ferry. Slow ferry ni teruk benau. Dahlah slow dan buruk, orang meludah sana-sini, bawah tangga pun boleh baring. Bau pun jangan cakaplah. Orang dia style duduk sorang 4 kerusi, inconsiderate gila-gila. Kitorang berdiri sepanjang 2 jam. Memang rasa nak meninggal.

2. Transportation in Pulau Weh

Couple of guides approached us upon arrival in Balohan. Ada yang naik Avanza, ada naik bechak, sewa motor and sewa kereta with or without supir. Supir is driver.

Sewa motor (they call  it "sepeda" here) would cost about IDR 100K per day.

Sewa kereta ( they call it "motor" here) would cost about IDR 400k without driver and IDR 550K with driver.

We took bechak. Best gila naik bechak!! Woohooo. Best sangat sebab angin sejuk. Kalau angin panas memang bestial la peluh ketiak. Tapi kadang-kadang nak selekoh bukit tu bechak tu macam tak larat naik, gemok nau laki bini ni.

3. Penginapan di Pulau Weh/ Accomodations in Pulau Weh.

We did not stay overnight because of the time constraint. But we did see all kinds (and many) chalets and motels along our ways in Pulau Sabang. There are almost hundreds of cottages in Iboih Beach alone. You need not to worry about accommodations here, because they are all affordable (or cheap?) and okay-looking. 

Takyah book pun takpe. Sebab melambak gila-gila.

4. Where to go for a day-trip in Pulau Weh

Thats the husband on E. The rest has nothing to do with us.

My cert. This cost us IDR 30K per person.

The bechak's driver offered to take us to 5 places for IDR 250k. The deal was alright (not too cheap though or too tipu). He took us to Kilometer Nol first. Kilometer Nol is 0 Kilometre where the whole Indonesia starts. We took pictures there and got ourselves certified. Cheewwah.

This is from google.

Thats my husband in Iboh.

After that we went to Iboih. Did some snorkelling there. Snorkeling gear sets rental cost us IDR 40K per person and boat ride IDR 100K . The water is too beautiful. Roaaaarrgghhh masha Allah. 

The only downside was they should do maintenance and upgrades here. The toilets and washrooms were so disgusting, I could actually die.

Anoi Hitam Beach.

And then Pantai Anoi Hitam. Thats Black Sand Beach in English. They called the beach that, because the sand is black. Obviously~~

The angriest couple on earth. Trololol.

An then to Gapang Beach and Sumurtiga Beach.

This is from google as well, fellas.

And then Air Terjun Pria Laut. Thats Sea Man Waterfall. Or Man Sea Waterfall. (?)

It was 3 o'oclock when we realised that we should g back to the Balohan Port. The bechak's driver rempit and rempit-ed and we barely made it to the slow ferry at 4 o'clock. That was the last ferry to Banda Acheh for the day. Feeeuuhh.

5. What not to do in Pulau Weh.

This country has  Shariah Compliancy in everything. And as for us, the tourist we have to dress right. You cannot wear bikinis or trunk when swimming for the non-muslims and the muslim have to cover their aurah. 

I went full-mode on menutup aurat for this trip. The husband even said " balik Malaysia ni pakai tudung macam ni betul-betul. Kan cantik." to me. hmm insafnya. (-_-)

This is for instagram.

I have never updated about Vietnam, or Singapore or Thailand.  
Ni pun sebab Chot yang memberi idea. Lagipun harini hari Sabtu, so aku kerja macam orang kerajaan sikit, boleh update blog. Hewhewhew Tolonglah next company trip Azan pergi Europe boleh bawak bini.  Ok bye.

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